Freeze-Out v.2 ..a multiplayer map for Red Alert 2 Contents 1. Map Information 2. Map Description 3. Requirements 4. Install & Run 5. Modifications 6. Known Bugs 7. Other RA2/YR Maps by the Author 8. MapEditing Notes 9. Credits 10. Disclaimer 11. Legal ===1. Map Information=== *Author: Cannis *Map Name: Freeze-Out v.2 *Game Supported: Red Alert 2 *Players: 2-6 *Size: 115x120 *Theater: Snow *Resources: Heavy *Format: .MPR *File Size: 288Kb *Online Transfer: Disabled *Editors Used: FA2-Yuri, XCC Mixer, Wordpad, Paint Shop Pro *Map Release Date: 3/30/02 ===2. Map Description=== Designed for fast-paced 6-way battle. The bases are placed close to each other, with cliffs separating them. The small body of water in the center ensures that naval vessels can strike any base within moments after being built. An airport can be found in the mountains in each corner. There's not enough room for everyone to maintain a navy, and not enough airports to go around... so don't get frozen out! This is an updated version of Freeze-Out (freezout.mmx & freezout.mpr) that was released on 5/21/2001. If you have either of these files in your RA2 folder, please delete them. Changes in version 2.0: -Terrain around the derricks reworked to make building Grand Cannons in their vicinity impossible. -Tiling detail throughout the map improved. -Improved cliff and water tiling detail and appearance. -AI can no longer build on hidden tiles behind cliffs. -Better map preview. -Preview image included and updated readme file. Tips: Capture the derricks on the cliffs on either side of your base, and be prepared to defend them. These areas have very uneven terrain which limits the ability to build off these derricks. Naval superiority can be the key to victory; if you can't achieve it then don't let anyone else do it. Build a satellite refinery operation off a captured airport and you should have all the money you can spend. ===3. Requirements=== You need to have Red Alert 2 installed and patched up to at least v1.005 to play this map. If an earlier version of the game is used, player starting positions may be randomized yielding unexpected results. ===4. Install & Run=== *Included files: freezeout2.mpr (the map) freezeout2_RA2.gif (preview image) freezeout2_RA2.txt (this file) Place freezeout2.mpr in your \RA2\ directory. Start RA2, and the map should appear on the map list. Battle/FFA, Meatgrinder, Nukewar, Navalwar, and Airwar game modes are supported. This is an updated version of Freeze-Out (freezout.mmx & freezout.mpr) that was released on 5/21/2001. If you have either of these files in your RA2 folder, please delete them. ===5. Modifications=== -Paradrop Plane is much stronger. -Mirage tanks mimic more and different trees than the same old 4 you're used to seeing. -Bunkers (and their owners' color) appear on the radar map. ===6. Known Bugs=== -RA2's pathfinding logic does not 'look ahead' very far. This means units sent across the entire map may blunder into areas they may find unhealthy. Use waypoints! ===7. Other RA2/YR Maps by the Author=== .....(as of the date of this release)..... [Multiplayer/Skirmish] Freeze-Out v.2 (RA2 & YR) Field & Stream (RA2 & YR) Collision Course v.2 (RA2 & YR) Switchback Ridge v.2 (RA2 & YR) Switchback Ravine v.2 (RA2 & YR) Moonlit Bay v.2 (RA2 & YR) Sunstroke (YR) OverExtended v.2 (RA2 & YR) Frigid Triangle (RA2 & YR) Frigid Triangle Blackout (YR) Frigid Triangle NightOps (RA2 & YR) OutGrowth (RA2) City Fights Back (RA2) City Under Siege (RA2) ROCK YOU! (RA2) Gem Pit (RA2) Jungle Warfare (RA2) Inversion (RA2) [Obsolete Maps] Freeze-Out (RA2) <replaced by Freeze-Out v.2> Collision Course (RA2) <replaced by Collision Course v.2> Switchback Ravine (RA2) <replaced by Switchback Ravine v.2> Switchback Ridge (RA2) <replaced by Switchback Ridge v.2> Moonlit Bay (RA2) <replaced by Moonlit Bay v.2) OverExtended (RA2) <replaced by OverExtended v.2> ===8. MapEditing Notes=== As noted above, this is an updated version of a map I made back in the olden days when we used to make maps in MMX format. While essentially very simple in overall design, this has always been one of my favorite maps, since it offers 2 fairly unusual features: Naval vessels can be brought to bear instantly, making naval war a fast-paced affair; and Soviet Kirov and V3 attacks are something to be feared. The original map did have 3 issues, which have been addressed in this version. First, the map overwhelmingly favored France; now Grand Cannons can no longer be built off the Oil Derricks between the bases. Second, Paradrop Planes seldom survived if they ventured south to any extent; modding their strength fixes this (I had intended to add this mod to the original map, but just forgot). Third, like any map with cliffs ringing the base areas, the AI could build on map cells hidden behind cliffs (resulting in completely hidden sentry guns and pill boxes); those map cells are now flagged as 'no-build/no-move' zones (I had wanted to do this for the original map, but simply did not know how - since then I figured it out :)). This 'no-build/no-move' zone hack, which I first used in 'OutGrowth', also creates map cells which block projectile shots as well, but given where these cells are, this shouldn't present a problem. Since human players cannot use these map cells anyway, the mod should be completely transparent to the players. All INI changes are documented below. ;Bunker #1 appears on radar [CABUNK01] RadarInvisible=no ;Bunker #2 appears on radar [CABUNK02] RadarInvisible=no ;Support for hack to flag map cells as 'no-build/no-move' zones. [DRUM02] Image=null Immune=yes ;Mirage Tanks mimic more and different trees [General] DefaultMirageDisguises=TREE21,TREE22,TREE23,TREE24,TREE25,TREE26,TREE27,TREE28 ;Much stronger paradrop plane [PDPLANE] Strength=1000 ===9. Credits=== -Westwood for a great game. -Matze for a great editor - Final Alert2-YURI!! ===10. Disclaimer=== The author does not make any warranties regarding the files in this archive. Users assume responsibility for the results achieved for computer program use and should verify applicability and accuracy. ===11. Legal=== This Red Alert2 map 'Freeze-Out v.2' is (c) Mar 30, 2002 by Tony Ferrara AKA CannisRabidus. You MAY NOT include this map as part of any sort of commercial or promotional product without my permission. You MAY distribute this map through any other means, provided it is offered free of charge. If offered from a WWW or FTP site or similar, this .txt file (unaltered) must be included. Please do not use this map as a base for other maps. I hope you like the map! -CannisRabidus 3/30/2002 For more maps by Cannis, please visit: This readme file altered 1/7/2002 to update the above website URL.
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